David Gil — About, my desktop
I am obsessed with synthesis, my graphics try to say a lot with a few elements. I enjoy breaking down and reassembling elements, and returning them in a simplified and repetitive way.
David Gil — About, basketball training
I am a serious person but ironic and playful at the same time. My favourite colour is blue. 
I like reading and music. Classical music is my oxygen.
I like playing basketball. I like to row in the Venetian lagoon, I like the water, swimming in the sea is what relaxes me the most.
David Gil — About, Venetian rowing
My working languages are mainly Italian and Spanish. I am currently a member of the scientific committee of MadridGráfica design festival. 

AIAP — Italian association of visual communication design
ID — Iberoamérica Diseña
BEDA.reg — Bureau of European Design Associations

See CV on Linkedin
Follow me on Facebook and Instagram
David Gil — About, street frame

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