We have received an invitation to participate in the solidarity initiative SIGNS forThe initiative has involved renowned illustrators graphic and visual designers to create a poster.
David Gil — Digitale presente poster, SIGNS FOR campaign
SIGNS for. L'educazione non si ferma
5 Jun — 31 Jul 2020

David Gil — ART32,  Dica 32 poster, outdoor campaign
ART32 is a poster campaign in defence of Public Health. The posters were put up in about 200 places in the streets of the city of Bergamo.
David Gil — ART32,  Dica 32 poster, outdoor campaign
— Being aware of our rights enables society to claim and demand the rights enshrined in the Italian Constitution. 
An informed and aware society can change choices and policies that lead to inequality and social discrimination. Health is not a business, it is a Public Good. Say 32. —
David Gil — ART32, outdoor campaign
ART32. Salute pubblica Bene comune
Bergamo, Italy
6 Apr — 2 May 2021

My Libertad poster participates in this solidarity initiative organized by FamaFest in collaboration with DIMAD — Madrid designer's association.
David Gil — PAZIFIKA exhibition
David Gil — PAZIFIKA exhibition
PAZIFIKA. Carteles solidarios por Ucrania
Central de Diseño, Matadero, Madrid
7 Apr — 16 May 2022

Graphic contribution for AGI — Alliance Graphique Internationale and AFD — Alliance française des designers. The selected posters were included in a solidarity publication by Le Bec en l’Air Éditions with texts by Dominique Cardon and Michel Bouvet.
David Gil — 1000 crayons pour la liberté d'expression, solidarité publication
David Gil — 1000 affiches pour dire, Terrorismo, Poster
David Gil — 1000 affiches pour dire, exhibition
1000 affiches pour dire
Friche La Belle De Mai, Marseille
30 Jan — 1 Feb 2015

Photo © En Mode Bonheur, Caroline Dutrey
Thanks to © Débora Falleiros for the catalogue photo
David Gil — Ci mettono il cuore, artwork
Ci mettono il cuore is a participative communication project. Designers, artists and illustrators were invited to draw their own heart and donate it to AVIS (Italian association of volunteer blood donors) as a gesture of solidarity.
David Gil — Ci mettono il cuore, publication
The publication is a graphic project by Ilaria Montanari, with the supervision of Omar Vulpinari for AVIS Provinciale di Treviso.
Invitado por OXFAM España he participado a este evento organizado por La Galería de Magdalena en Madrid. DesigualdART es una iniciativa que quiere denunciar la desigualdad extrema mediante el arte.

Teníamos a disposición algunos temas o frases sobre las que teníamos que realizar una postal. Las postales se imprimieron y fueron expuestas en una exposición callejera, además, los improvisados visitantes de esta exposición urbana podían elegir sus postales favoritas y llevárselas como regalo.
A menudo utilizo en mi trabajo la palabra como representación visual, este es el caso de esta postal completamente tipográfica.

Me gusta participar en este tipo de ejercicios en las que el diseño interactúa con el ciudadano de manera directa.
La utilización de espacios urbanos abandonados o infravalorados (vallas de obra, solares...) para generar debate o simplemente para realizar intervenciones de comunicación urbana son momentos importantes para el enriquecimiento cultural de los centros urbanos, hoy en día expropiados de su genuinidad y sofocados por una idea de turismo globalizado extremadamente 'brandizado' y sin personalidad.
La Galería di Magdalena, Madrid
May 2015
Kit Scuola is a campaign to purchase school equipment at reduced prices promoted by the Municipality of Venice in collaboration with the Educational Policies service.
David Gil — 11 M/Malas noticias, artwork
11 M / Malas noticias is a project to distribute graphic material to commemorate the anniversary of the terrorist attacks of 11 March 2004 in Madrid. The project, organised by the Spanish graphic collective Un Mundo Feliz, involved the authors directly in the distribution of the material they created at the sites of the attacks.
David Gil — 11 M/Malas noticias, artwork
David Gil — 11 M/Malas noticias, Atocha station commemoration
Estación de Atocha, Madrid
5 — 11 Mar 2007

Commemoration photo © Susana Vera / Reuters
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